Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Client Website Experience

For the website assessment my Client was Caboolture Exhaust & Mechanical.
Although they already had their business details on an existing site they jumped at the idea of creating their own individual website.
They were very easy going with ideas on both the design and content and were more than happy for me to go ahead and create the website. They did decide on keeping the previous website colours of grey, blue & white. As the business itself targets a wide demographic I choose to keep the pages simple and easy to navigate, ensuring not to discourage potential customers.
I have really enjoyed having the freedom to create what I thought was appropriate to the nature of the business.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Client Website Mockup

Basekit Website

Web Design

What is a Dreamweaver template?

Allows you to edit or add content to a page. Subsequently any pages attached to this template will take on these changes.

What are the advantages of using a Template?

Using templates in Dreamweaver is quick and simple to set up. Protecting certain elements from being altered by others of a page can be easily achieved.

What is an editable region?

Editable regions allow you to lock particular areas of the template, making them inaccessible to others. This also makes it easy for information to be updated in on a regular basis.

What is a repeating region?

A template object, repeating regions allow content to be added to a template while regions are locked.

What is optional region?

Not too dissimilar to Editable regions, optional regions allows you to show or hide particular content on each page separately.

Not so much graphic design, just some really cool architecture!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Marketing Website Mockup

First Mockup for my Marketing Website.

I'm not too sure what I was thinking when I decided on the colours!


em is a unit of measurement in Typography. Originally the unit is from the width of the capital “M” in any given typeface.
eg 1 em in 16 point typeface is 16 points

Fabulous Fonts

Arial Black
Comic Sans MS
Courier New
Lucida Console
Lucida Sans Unicode
Palatino Linotype
Times New Roman
Trebuchet MS
MS Sans Serif
MS Serif

Monday, February 8, 2010

Website Criteria

6 Important Areas to Remember in Web Design

  • Content
  • Structure & Navigation
  • Visual Design
  • Functionality
  • Interactivity
  • Overall Experience
Content is the information provided on the site. It is not just text, but music, sound, animation, or video -- anything that communicates a sites body of knowledge. Good content should be engaging, relevant, and appropriate for the audience.

Structure & Navigation::
Structure and navigation refers to the framework of a site, the organization of content, the prioritization of information, and the method in which you move through the site. Sites with good structure and navigation are consistent, intuitive and transparent.

Visual Design::
Visual design is the appearance of the site. It's more than just a pretty homepage and it doesn't have to be cutting edge or trendy. Good visual design is high quality, appropriate, and relevant for the audience and the message it is supporting.

Functionality is the use of technology on the site. Good functionality means the site works well. It loads quickly, has live links, and any new technology used is functional and relevant for the intended audience. The site should work cross-platform and be browser independent. Highly functional sites anticipate the diversity of user requirements from file size, to file format and download speed.

Interactivity is the way that a site allows you to do something. Good interactivity is more than a rollover or choosing what to click on next; it allows you, as a user, to give and receive. It insists that you participate, not spectate.

Demonstrating that sites are frequently more -- or less than the sum of their parts, the overall experience encompasses content, structure and navigation, visual design, functionality, and interactivity, but it also includes the intangibles that make one stay or leave.

Information from http://www.webbyawards.com/index.php

Worst Website


Why this website is sooo bad...

1. Too many colours used.
2. Moving background may cause seizures
3. Text gets lost in the background
4. Images size and perspective is wrong.
5. Poor image resolution.
6. Seriously annoying music, can not be stopped or paused!
7. Too much content on one page. No internal links to top of pages.
8. Navigation all over the place. Difficult to go to home page.

Inital Website Mockup